
Pray for missions.

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Central Asian Peoples

Sorani Kurds of Central Asia

(sor-AH-nee) - A college student has been spending short amounts of time weekly with a group of Christians. There never seemed to be enough time for the conversations to transition to deeper spiritual topics. Recently, an opportunity arose for this young woman to join the group on a weekend trip. The long drive and the late nights made it possible for the Christians to share the whole gospel message, as well as testimonies of faith, with this college student. Pray that she will continue to participate in deep conversations, seek to understand the gospel for herself, and believe.

Wednesday, May 15 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Shia of the Desert

Farah and Hassan moved to the United States several years ago with their young sons, as Farah had been awarded a scholarship to study abroad. They were determined to learn English quickly. Farah did well in her studies and graduated after several years and after having several more children. The family met an American family who embraced them and began to share with them what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus. Farah and Hassan chose to follow Jesus and were baptized. Their oldest son became a believer, as well. When they moved back to their home country, life became difficult. Jobs were hard to find, so they lived with extended family members who were devout Muslims. Their oldest son chose to revert to Islam. The children struggled in school since they had never studied in Arabic. Farah and Hassan are just one example of how Shia believers struggle in their new faith. Praise God for Americans who reached out to unbelieving foreigners in their community! Pray for Shia believers to stand firm in their faith and learn how to share wisely with their families and communities about the saving work of God in their lives.

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Refugees in Uganda

Please pray for the Borderlands Team and their ministry partners as they travel to the refugee camps each week to listen to and lead a discussion of the Word of God with men, women, and youth. The group of women, in particular, meet every Thursday to listen to the Bible on a solar-powered audio player so they can then discuss what they hear. Many are not literate, so this method allows anyone to come and hear gospel truths. Pray for the women who come to gain a clear understanding of Christ and His Word. Pray for the salvation of those who are lost and the sanctification of those who are born again.

Wednesday, May 15 2024
South Asian Peoples

Peoples of the Konkan Coast, India

(KAHN-kin) - Pray for the first "sent out ones" from among the local harvest workers! Rohit and Anjali have felt the Lord calling them to go back to the village they are from to plant churches and disciple believers. Pray that their "Timothies" in the place where they have been serving will be faithful and endure, discipling others as they have been taught and continuing to lead the churches that have been planted. Pray for fruitfulness in the place where Rohit and Anjali will be living. Pray for the children and grandchildren this couple will leave behind as they are obedient to what the Lord has called them to in this season of their lives.

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Peoples of N Guinea-Bissau, SW Senegal, W Gambia

Pareto is a highly respected member of his village and has been a leader and a friend to all. He claimed to be a believer when a United States church began evangelizing among the Harvester People. He would come to Bible studies but only stay for a short time because he claimed to be too busy. For 10 years, he struggled between fully committing to God or to animism. The U.S. church believed that he chose animism when he participated in the circumcision ceremony that initiates males in his society into practicing animism. Praise God that they were wrong! A volunteer team from the church arrived and found that Pareto had truly given his life to Christ. He was baptized and is now an active member of the group that meets weekly to worship God and learn from the Bible. Pray that Pareto will remain strong in following Christ and that he will be a light to those in his village who are still in the darkness of animism. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV).

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples


Nine believing students will help local believers this summer in entry, evangelism, and discipleship on several university campuses in a large city. Pray for the hearts of students on these campuses to be open to the gospel. Pray that this team will catalyze and mobilize more local laborers for the harvest.

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Global Partnerships and Engagement in Korea

Please pray for more Korean Global Missionary Partners (GMPs). Various GMP ministry opportunities are being introduced to Korean churches, seminaries, and mission organizations. Pray for them to catch a vision for it and respond positively. Please pray for good partnerships to develop from these churches and entities that will result in effective cooperation and active participation in expanding God's missionary work.

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Global Initiatives

Global Health Strategies Network

"Pioneering healthcare worker needed! So many of our open jobs for healthcare personnel are in places that are hard to enter and hard to stay. The Lord is calling out His chosen ones to access one of the countries in the Asia-Pacific Rim by using their healthcare skills to work in a local clinical medicine facility, access the healthcare workers in the city, and extend the team's ministry into the surrounding villages. Pray that the Lord will call out His sent ones to fill this job!"

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Chopi of Southern Mozambique

(SHOW-pee) - "Nearly a million strong. After seven years of living near the Chopi, we have yet to meet any evangelical presence." There's no gospel witness beyond this one missionary family's engagement of this exclusive-to-Mozambique people group. And yet, the Lord in His kindness has saved 35 believers who are standing against the darkness. The cost of discipleship is high, especially when your community is your lifeline. Please pray for these believers to stay strong amid the trials and rejection from their community. Pray also for the salvation of the sea of lostness faced by the one missionary family and this small body of believers. Ask the Holy Spirit to orchestrate spiritual conversations, and pray that the believers will stand as a Christ-witness in the community. Pray that many Chopi will turn from their unbelief to the life-saving, hope-giving Christ!

Wednesday, May 15 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Chinese in Northern Africa and the Middle East

Pray for Chinese churches worshiping amid conflicts between countries and peoples in northern Africa and the Middle East. As tensions escalate, please pray for grace and peace among the Chinese churches. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9 CSB).

Wednesday, May 15 2024
American Peoples

American Peoples

Women were recently trained in starting new micro businesses in western Cuba. A testimony was shared by an 80-year-old woman who had begun a nail salon in her home. She talked about searching for and then receiving a certification online that also allows her to train others. Pray that the new women starting out will also search for ways to make their businesses a success. Ask that they will be bold in sharing their faith in Jesus with those they encounter daily.

Pray for Requests Worldwide