2.8 billion. That’s the number of people in the world with no access to the gospel. Certainly, that’s not limitless, but the missionary force needed to reach them just may be. The gospel calls us to give up our very lives for its sake and requires a limitless missionary force to carry the good news of our great God to people who may be adamantly opposed to it. Thankfully, the power of the God who is calling a missionary force together by his grace is also limitless.
Let the dead bury their dead. Let the living set their faces like a flint toward the nations so that the people found there might glorify God forever. Set aside comfort and convenience and personal ambition for the sake of what is greater, for the sake of what is better than life—Christ alone.
“The power of the God who is calling a missionary force together by his grace is also limitless.”
We must leverage our skills, our jobs, our hobbies, our resources, our gifts and talents, and our very lives for this eternal task. But it’s not as though we do so without reward. Christ himself is our reward. God the Father and the Spirit who dwells within us—our reward.
God promises beyond our comprehension, ability, and expectation, so the possibilities are limitless.
Limitless. So must be our efforts.
Want to learn more about how to go, visit our Missions Opportunities page to explore possible pathways to peoples and places around the world.