The Love of God Elicits Total Abandonment

This article originally appeared at under the same title. It is used with permission. You can watch or listen to the full message at The Summit Church

David Platt, the president of the IMB, visited The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, with a sermon titled Four Reasons to Say Yes to God from Isaiah 6. In this message, Dr. Platt challenged and encouraged the members of this local church with the important work the Lord is doing through them locally in the Raleigh-Durham triangle and among the unreached peoples around the globe. Pastors and leaders who desire to see their congregations mobilized to make much of Christ in their neighborhoods and among the unreached peoples of the world also will be encouraged by this powerful message.

The love of God does not elicit mere intellectual adherence. It does not elicit casual acceptance. No, the scandalous love of God elicits total abandonment.

Total abandonment is a commitment to say, “Here I am, send me,” whether that’s to the neighbor across the street or the people group hidden in the jungles of Indonesia. Isaiah’s willingness to go wasn’t dependent on location or timing—the prophet never said, “I’ll go some places, not others.” The scandal of the gospel is too great of a story to confine to morning quiet times. How will you answer when he asks, “Whom shall I send?”

David Platt is the president of IMB. You can find him on Twitter @plattdavid.