Editor’s note: This is the eighth post in a 12-part series that highlights information found in IMB’s Annual Statistical Report. The report is based on 2019 research data. A full copy of the report is available at imb.org/asr.
Through prayer, evangelism goals and open dialogue about progress toward those goals, IMB workers have seen national partners grow in their vision for evangelism and make active, bold attempts to evangelize. One brother started a youth street evangelism ministry to train and send out young workers to start a youth movement of evangelism. Another has also taken initial steps to start his own group of youth evangelists to engage the city with the support of a local church.
What began as a group of men confessing sins to one another in 2019 grew into something much larger. In 2020, their confession developed into a desire for holiness and godliness. Men broke off in groups of two or three to dive into prayer and the Word, and a sustainable discipleship structure was launched.
Healthy Church Formation
In 2019, an IMB team in London saw more than three dozen immigrants from a southeastern European country come to faith in Jesus Christ through the dedicated work of local partners. IMB missionaries trained these partners in the tools of entry, evangelism, discipleship, church formation and leadership development. Through faithful use of these tools, a whole new network of disciples and leaders formed that now stretches from London to the immigrants’ homeland.
The new disciples gathered in a new church plant and are already training new leaders and disciple-makers to multiply this church and these disciples for the glory of God among the nations.
Throughout Europe, 69 new groups of Christians started meeting together in 2019.
Your giving enables IMB workers in Europe to work alongside local believers to set evangelism goals, disciple groups of men and women and minister among immigrants in London. Give now to support the work among European peoples.
All data, except for active field personnel and unreached people group counts, reflects information from the 2019 Data-Year Annual Statistical Report (IMB).