Highlights from Northern Africa and the Middle East

Editor’s note: This is the ninth post in a 12-part series that highlights information found in IMB’s Annual Statistical Report. The report is based on 2019 research data. A full copy of the report is available at imb.org/asr.

8,165 Dying Daily

31,460 Heard Gospel Witness19,325 Opportunities to respond4,686 New Believers1,394 Baptisms1,706 Leadership Trainings1 New Engagement



A few months ago, three workers went out to share with people in a park. They met Amina* and shared the gospel with her. Amina said she’s wanted to know more about Jesus for some time now, because while getting on the ferry to North Africa, she got a packet with a New Testament and the JESUS film in it. She said she kept the New Testament and watched the film. She was deeply touched by the story and the love of Jesus.

She still holds to Islam, but when the Christian workers asked her if she wanted to read more stories about Jesus together, she said yes. Since that time, they have been meeting together. She said she believes that only Jesus can forgive sins and that he died and rose again.

Amina is one of 31,460 people in North Africa and the Middle East who heard the gospel last year.


A clinic, a gym, a coffee shop, a living room, the barbershop, the park, a classroom — these are places where evangelism is happening as workers are asked, “You are different from other foreigners we know. Why?” or, “I am [another faith], and you are Christian. We are all the same, right?”

Praise God for the life-on-life evangelism going on every day as Christian workers interact with people in their communities.


Amal* came to faith from conversations she had online with someone in North America, but she wanted to study face-to-face with other believers. She met with two workers, and the fellowship was sweet as they opened the Word together. When they came to the lesson on prayer, Amal was afraid to pray out loud. “It’s a conversation with Jesus. You can do it,” the workers said. And she did. Praise God for each step as new believers like Amal grow in faith.

Your giving enables workers to forge relationships with women like Amina, share the coffee in gyms and coffee shops and disciple women like Amal. Give now to support the work in North Africa and the Middle East.

All data, except for active field personnel and unreached people group counts, reflects information from the 2019 Data-Year Annual Statistical Report (IMB).

*names changed