Zande of South Sudan - IMB
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Zande of South Sudan

Pray for the Zande of South Sudan

Historically, the Zande are small scale farmers growing maize, peanuts, cassava and sweet potatoes. They have an estimated global population of 2.8 million, with roughly 860,000 in South Sudan. Christianity was introduced to the Zande during British rule in the 1800s, and Catholic and Protestant churches exist within this people group. However, most Zande practice witchcraft, an evil magic that is the cause of all unusual or terrible events and that is used to inflict harm on others.

Although the IMB is not working among the Zande, we recently discovered that several Great Commission Christian groups are engaged in evangelism, discipleship and leadership training among them. We are thankful for this work; however, there is still much more to be done. The greatest need is solid biblical discipleship.

Prayer Requests

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (1 Timothy 1:15 NIV)


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