You can reach the lost with the gospel this Giving Tuesday 

More than 3,500 IMB missionaries and their families are working diligently toward the vision we see in Revelation 7:9 — all nations, tribes, people, and languages knowing and worshiping the Lord. These missionaries live and serve across the globe. Some work in dangerous and remote areas where the gospel message is not welcomed.

We are asking for your support to send more missionaries to reach the lost.

When you partner with the IMB, 100% of your generous gift will:

  • enable missionaries to commit their full energy and focus to the lost by taking care of their financial needs in full
  • provide encouragement and confidence to missionaries who recognize that thousands of people and churches are committed to their missionary task
  • encourage innovation in gospel outreach projects based on each community’s needs — such as providing medical care, access to clean water, and sharing the gospel
  • send more missionaries into the field who have the desire and need the support

Through your gift, many people will learn about Jesus, often for the first time! Missionaries are seeing the lost transformed through the good news of Jesus, and more are coming to faith as their witness multiplies and churches are planted.

Your generous gift will advance the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®, which has been supporting missionary efforts to share the gospel with the lost for more than 100 years. Every dollar you give supports the work of those who go into all the world, working toward the promise we see in Revelation 7:9 — all nations, tribes, people, and languages knowing and worshiping the Lord.

Will you help reach the lost by making your Giving Tuesday gift right now?