Central Asia Outreach, Evangelism and Training

Reach Central Asian people groups using methods that surmount cultural barriers and provide theological and evangelism/outreach training for local pastors and church leaders.
More than 500 people groups in Central Asia are still unreached with the gospel. While progress has been made among some people groups, there are still many among whom there are no known believers. Your gift will help reach specific people groups using methods that surmount cultural barriers and will multiply these unique opportunities to share the good news among Central Asian people.

As more and more Central Asian peoples come to faith, training is critical as we lead them to form biblically sound churches. These training projects are specifically designed to provide theological and evangelism/outreach training for local pastors and church leaders. Many of these new brothers and sisters in Christ are first-generation believers among their people group, so training is crucial to their personal spiritual growth and their ability to evangelize and disciple others.
More than 500 people groups in Central Asia are still unreached with the gospel. While progress has been made among some people groups, there are still many among whom there are no known believers. Your gift will help reach specific people groups using methods that surmount cultural barriers and will multiply these unique opportunities to share the good news among Central Asian people.

As more and more Central Asian peoples come to faith, training is critical as we lead them to form biblically sound churches. These training projects are specifically designed to provide theological and evangelism/outreach training for local pastors and church leaders. Many of these new brothers and sisters in Christ are first-generation believers among their people group, so training is crucial to their personal spiritual growth and their ability to evangelize and disciple others.
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Central Asian Peoples

From the mountain peaks of the Caucasus to the steppes of Kazakhstan, the heartland of Asia is a place of mystery, having been mostly off-limits to travelers for the last 2000 years. With its blue-domed cities, frenetic bazaars, and remote yurts, Central Asia captures the romance of the Silk Road. Ancient traditions, loyal relationships, and generous hospitality make up the foundation of Central Asian values. Once home to the early church, Islam is now the predominant religion of Central Asia. Architecture, dress, and cultural expectations are all marked by it's influence.

Political, religious, and cultural divisions have fractured Central Asia's governments and global relations. This instability has left people seeking an anchor for hope and peace. Jesus is their peace, but most of Central Asia's 365 million people have no knowledge of the gospel.

Pray that as Central Asians will meet the life-giver and Prince of Peace so they can experience the abundant joy that Jesus offers.

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