Disciple-Maker Training

Train national believers to make disciples and plant churches through the ministry of the discipleship training center and its easily reproducible trainings held on-location throughout the islands.
Joyo was led to faith in Christ by a local believer, and he immediately began sharing his new faith, despite the threat of persecution. Two more men have come to faith because of his witness! Many national believers like Joyo have a desire to go and reach the Muslims and others of their country with the gospel, but they don’t know how. Disciple-Makers Training will equip these trainees to spread the gospel among the last unreached, unengaged people groups (UUPGs) in our region. Your gift will underwrite training session costs for participants at the training center, assist with travel costs for on-location trainings at churches, seminaries, etc., and provide funds for trainees to get hands-on experience discipling new believers and witnessing to Muslims, Animists, and Catholics.

Some of the trainees will attend from out-of-town, and your generosity will provide housing on the training center property. Other trainees will come from the local churches, Bible colleges, and seminaries in the city where the training center is located. Training courses will last a full month, with a final month of practicum in another location, enabling the students to apply everything they have learned. The training will be life-on-life discipleship so these believers will be fully equipped not only to minister to an unreached people group, but also to abide fully in Christ each day.

Please give today to encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ and help them shine the light of the gospel in this beautiful but spiritually dark region!
Joyo was led to faith in Christ by a local believer, and he immediately began sharing his new faith, despite the threat of persecution. Two more men have come to faith because of his witness! Many national believers like Joyo have a desire to go and reach the Muslims and others of their country with the gospel, but they don’t know how. Disciple-Makers Training will equip these trainees to spread the gospel among the last unreached, unengaged people groups (UUPGs) in our region. Your gift will underwrite training session costs for participants at the training center, assist with travel costs for on-location trainings at churches, seminaries, etc., and provide funds for trainees to get hands-on experience discipling new believers and witnessing to Muslims, Animists, and Catholics.

Some of the trainees will attend from out-of-town, and your generosity will provide housing on the training center property. Other trainees will come from the local churches, Bible colleges, and seminaries in the city where the training center is located. Training courses will last a full month, with a final month of practicum in another location, enabling the students to apply everything they have learned. The training will be life-on-life discipleship so these believers will be fully equipped not only to minister to an unreached people group, but also to abide fully in Christ each day.

Please give today to encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ and help them shine the light of the gospel in this beautiful but spiritually dark region!
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of $132,000 goal
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Student transport for ev practice
covers 1 student
Flight for out-of-town trainees
buys 1
Printed training materials
provides for 1 year
1-week training
funds 1 event
Training center operational costs
funds 1 year

Field Updates

Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

From the skyscrapers of Hong Kong and vast plains of Mongolia to smoky rainforests hiding winding rivers edged by golden sands, the natural beauty and long history of these Asia-Pacific Rim countries testify to God’s creative hand. This vast region houses four of the most populous global cities, as well as the country with the world's largest nominal population of Muslims.

Spirituality swirls through cities and countryside like the smoke from temple incense sticks. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, animists, Daoists and ancestor worshipers live here, comprising 851 unreached people groups who have never heard that freedom is found in Christ. Pray for divine appointments for Christian workers to share that Jesus is the way to peace with God and eternal life. Ask God to glorify His name among the peoples of the Asian Pacific Rim Peoples affinity.

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