Saturate Osaka Team

Partner with us in saturating our city with the good news of Jesus!

About Team

About Saturate Osaka Team

In Osaka, Japan, less than 1% of the population has trusted Jesus for salvation. Most have never heard the story of Jesus or anything about how much He loves them. We know that Jesus is the living water that gives eternal life, but Osaka feels as though it’s stuck in a prolonged drought without the hope of the gospel. That’s why our team of IMB missionaries strive to saturate Osaka with…
•    Abundant love
•    Gospel presentations
•    Constant prayer
•    Multiplying discipleship
•    Healthy churches
•    Opportunities for Christian friendships
•    Connections to the global church
We hope you’ll partner with us as we Saturate Osaka! Prayerfully consider giving to our ministry projects listed below.

In Osaka, Japan, less than 1% of the population has trusted Jesus for salvation. Most have never heard the story of Jesus or anything about how much He loves them. We know that Jesus is the living water that gives eternal life, but Osaka feels as though it’s stuck in a prolonged drought without the hope of the gospel. That’s why our team of IMB missionaries strive to saturate Osaka with…
•    Abundant love
•    Gospel presentations
•    Constant prayer
•    Multiplying discipleship
•    Healthy churches
•    Opportunities for Christian friendships
•    Connections to the global church
We hope you’ll partner with us as we Saturate Osaka! Prayerfully consider giving to our ministry projects listed below.
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2024 Saturate Osaka Team Goal

$9,804 raised in 2024
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Team Projects

Support Specific Opportunities

Gifts toward specific efforts show us what you are excited about. Occasionally, we may redeploy gifts as we follow God's leading with urgent opportunities or changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the goal go toward a similar project or our team support.

Saturate Osaka Headquarters

Effort Image

One of our most exciting projects is establishing a headquarters to serve as a team office during the day and a classroom/event space at night. A partner church gave generously to secure a space in a great location, and we are already creating a lasting footprint in our community through Game Parties, International Friendship Parties, English Classes, and Discussion Groups. Your gift will help host these events and extend our rental agreement.

$0 raised in 2024

VBS Assistance

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Many churches in Japan don’t have VBS during the summer. As we- partner with these churches, we want to develop and distribute VBS materials in Japanese and supply all the resources (and manpower) they need to succeed. Your gift will assist us in ordering the resources from America (which is sometimes necessary) and translating the material, which can require professional assistance. Help us invite Japanese children to experience Jesus at VBS!

$0 raised in 2024

Pastors' Retreat

Effort Image

Our team has a heart for partnering with local churches and their pastors who, in Japan, are often discouraged, lonely, and ill-equipped with nowhere to go for help. Your gift will encourage and bolster these brave shepherds by providing training and fellowship at an annual or bi-annual retreat for pastors and their staff or church leaders. At the event, we will worship together, study God’s Word, and listen to presentations from guest speakers.

$0 raised in 2024
Team Updates

Saturate Osaka Team Updates

Goal Amount

The goal represents the cost of our team’s ministry activities for this calendar year. The Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO) fully fund our living expenses. The goal amount resets every January 1st. All gifts completed through this form are directed to our team’s ministry strategy.

100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.

Team Efforts

Giving to one of our specific team efforts allows us to know what you are excited to see God complete within our ministry. Occasionally, we may need to redeploy gifts within our team strategy as urgent opportunities arise, as we do our best to follow God's leading, or adjust to changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the posted goal go toward a similar project or our team support.

100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.

Team Support

Our living expenses are fully provided by generous churches and individuals participating in the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO). These gifts enable us to remain on mission without interruption. Your support is a partnership with these churches, providing for us and our colleagues through LMCO. Our team receives recognition when partners give below to make our presence here possible.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU.

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