Our team works at Uganda Baptist Seminary among 250 students who are brothers and sisters in Christ hailing from eight East African countries. Every student is a church leader who takes their training back to their communities. This multiplication is crucial to the church's future in East Africa, and your gift will give students the knowledge and ability to plant and grow healthy churches that increase the kingdom of God in their respective countries.
By 2050, researchers say Africa will have the largest Christian population in the world. We need to train these future leaders with sound theological education to make sure they are a light in the darkness and can...
Our team works at Uganda Baptist Seminary among 250 students who are brothers and sisters in Christ hailing from eight East African countries. Every student is a church leader who takes their training back to their communities. This multiplication is crucial to the church’s future in East Africa, and your gift will give students the knowledge and ability to plant and grow healthy churches that increase the kingdom of God in their respective countries.
By 2050, researchers say Africa will have the largest Christian population in the world. We need to train these future leaders with sound theological education to make sure they are a light in the darkness and can be heard over the “noise” that includes the prosperity gospel and Africa Traditional Religions, which are deeply rooted in most of Africa due to the peoples’ extreme poverty and hopelessness.
Our team members at UBS are involved in teaching and administration. UBS offers more than 200 courses each year by the teaching faculty. At the same time, we are trying to navigate an increasingly technological world while working among some of the poorest people on earth. The demand for online and distance learning is high but not practical in a location where most do not have reliable electricity and internet access. Most students sacrifice greatly to attend the seminary and do not always have the means to do so. Your gift will provide much-needed scholarships for them to attend classes and also assist with maintaining the seminary property and buildings in this tropical climate.
Gifts toward specific efforts show us what you are excited about. Occasionally,
we may redeploy gifts as we follow God's leading with urgent opportunities or changing international contexts.
Any gifts received beyond the goal go toward a similar project or our team support.
Students in East Africa lack the resources to purchase basic study materials. We try to give as many materials to them as possible in their classes, but printing is not cheap. Your gift will print theological resources and coursework for the students to take home with them to continue their learning and help them as they lead in their churches.
Most East Africans live a hand-to-mouth existence in some of the most impoverished countries on earth. Our students raise their own funds through friends and family to attend seminary, a significant struggle for many since they also work full-time and have no savings. Your gift will generously scholarship 100 students to continue their theological education, impacting Christianity across Africa for generations.
In addition to the regular activities held on our campus, it is important for our team to connect with our students in their own communities. Your gift will enable our faculty members to travel to multiple sites for short conferences in our students’ home churches. These conferences will encourage the students by reinforcing the training received at UBS and furthering the good testimony of the school and the Baptist work in the region.
We are hosting a Master's Cohort of Theological Studies with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for graduates who excelled in their bachelor's degree. Your gift will help them continue their studies in theology to be thoroughly equipped for ministry.
We want our students to practice what they learn in the classroom. Your gift will fund an intentional trip for our students to go into the area around the school to practice one of the many evangelism tools they have learned.
Most seminary students only have smartphones to access the Internet. Uganda Baptist Seminary provides a computer lab for all students to do research and write papers while on campus. However, the computer lab is outdated and needs new computers to enable the next generation of students to excel in research and studies. Your gift will outfit the lab with new computers.
The Uganda Baptist Seminary staff are godly faculty members who love the Lord and His Church. They desire to see Christlike church leaders trained and equipped to carry out the Great Commission and shepherd healthy churches across East Africa. Your gift will provide essential support to the school's faculty.
Zane’s* commitment to follow Christ wholeheartedly led him to move his wife and young children to Uganda Baptist Seminary (UBS) to study. He didn’t know how God wanted to use him, but he knew the next step was further study.
What he found at UBS was more than he expected. Zane thought he was just coming to study. Instead, he found a loving, supportive community of believers seeking God.
Because of your generosity, UBS is working to support and serve the churches of East Africa by educating a new generation of biblically grounded and theologically equipped church leaders.
At the seminary, Zane found solid, biblical teaching and opportunities to practice and improve his leadership skills. Experienced pastors mentored him in the challenges and joys of leading a local church. He also practiced witnessing and preaching regularly. Thank you for making this possible!
The African church has seen explosive growth, making it home to the greatest number of Christians on any continent. While Africa was once primarily a receiver of missionaries, it is now poised to become a substantial sender of missionaries.
Your gifts and prayers for UBS ensure that African believers receive critical training in doctrine and skills in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
Join us in prayer:
Pray for Zane and other students as they follow God into full-time Christian ministry.
Ask God for discernment as UBS continues meticulously teaching Scripture and fostering genuine discipleship among church leaders in East Africa.
Pray for spiritual maturity to become a norm among believers and churches here.
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and praying for UBS. Please bookmark our new webpage as we continue training and equipping church leaders to serve Christ together:
Thank you for partnering with our team to train Africans to know Christ and make Him known. Over the past few months, Uganda Baptist Seminary (UBS) faculty have taught at events for pastors and...
Thank you for partnering with our team to train Africans to know Christ and make Him known. Over the past few months, Uganda Baptist Seminary (UBS) faculty have taught at events for pastors and church leaders:
A recent village training of 35 church leaders included discussions of marriage and family, biblical interpretation, preaching, Christian doctrine, and apologetics.
Faculty members participated in a preaching conference with 270 pastors from Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya that focused on Christ-centered preaching.
Praise God with us for the over 40 students from five countries enrolled in our new Master of Theological Studies (MTS) program in partnership with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Faculty at UBS selected these students because of their potential to impact their communities and churches. Each successfully completed their first term, focused on going and sharing.
Please join us in prayer:
Pray the trainings we hold impact each participant’s ministry and that participants will remember and practice what they learned and disciple those around them.
Ask the Lord to guide us as we plan for the future so we can invest time in those who want to glorify God and see His kingdom grow.
Pray for the 40 MTS students as they pursue God through their studies.
Thank you for joining us in addressing the world’s greatest problem: lostness. Your gifts and prayers for this team enable us to train Africans to reach their continent for Christ. You are a co-laborer with us in the gospel, and we value your partnership!
Sanyu* celebrated a milestone last month, completing his bachelor’s degree from Uganda Baptist Seminary (UBS). He will now return to his rural community equipped to share the gospel, disciple...
Sanyu* celebrated a milestone last month, completing his bachelor’s degree from Uganda Baptist Seminary (UBS). He will now return to his rural community equipped to share the gospel, disciple growing believers, and plant healthy churches. Thank you for your investment in the lives of Sanyu and 37 other recent UBS graduates with certificates, diplomas, and bachelor’s degrees.
In addition to teaching 229 students this year, we held several conferences for church leaders and laypeople in our region, focusing on essential issues such as evangelism and healthy marriages. These conferences strengthen and support our alumni, enrich and educate our national partners, and provide leadership and visibility in our community.
Because of your generosity, UBS hosted a medical clinic on campus for students. This clinic provided dental and eye care, offering over 80 students consultations and treatment and improving the academic and daily lives of these students.
Please join us in prayer:
Pray for Sanyu and other graduates to find opportunities to minister and use the gifts God has given them to spread the gospel throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
Please pray for our 36 new students and those who arrive this summer to adapt quickly to the academic and spiritual challenges of the Seminary.
Ask the Lord to strengthen and sustain 22 students studying for their Master in Theological Studies in collaboration with Southeast Baptist Theological Seminary.
Thank you for joining us in addressing the world’s greatest problem: lostness. Your gifts and prayers enable us to train up the next generation to plant and grow healthy churches that increase the kingdom of God in their respective countries.
The goal represents the cost of our team’s ministry activities for this calendar year. The Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO) fully fund our living expenses. The goal amount resets every January 1st. All gifts completed through this form are directed to our team’s ministry strategy.
100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.
Team Efforts
Giving to one of our specific team efforts allows us to know what you are excited to see God complete within our ministry. Occasionally, we may need to redeploy gifts within our team strategy as urgent opportunities arise, as we do our best to follow God's leading, or adjust to changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the posted goal go toward a similar project or our team support.
100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.
Team Support
Our living expenses are fully provided by generous churches and individuals participating in the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO).
These gifts enable us to remain on mission without interruption.
Your support is a partnership with these churches, providing for us and our colleagues through LMCO.
Our team receives recognition when partners give below to make our presence here possible.
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU.