Uganda Theological Education Team - IMB

Uganda Theological Education Team

Partner with us as we train Africans to know Christ and make Him known.

About Team

About Uganda Theological Education Team

Our team works at Uganda Baptist Seminary among 250 students who are brothers and sisters in Christ hailing from eight East African countries. Every student is a church leader who takes their training back to their communities. This multiplication is crucial to the church's future in East Africa, and your gift will give students the knowledge and ability to plant and grow healthy churches that increase the kingdom of God in their respective countries. By 2050, researchers say Africa will have the largest Christian population in the world. We need to train these future leaders with sound theological education to make sure they are a light in the darkness and can...
Our team works at Uganda Baptist Seminary among 250 students who are brothers and sisters in Christ hailing from eight East African countries. Every student is a church leader who takes their training back to their communities. This multiplication is crucial to the church’s future in East Africa, and your gift will give students the knowledge and ability to plant and grow healthy churches that increase the kingdom of God in their respective countries.

By 2050, researchers say Africa will have the largest Christian population in the world. We need to train these future leaders with sound theological education to make sure they are a light in the darkness and can be heard over the “noise” that includes the prosperity gospel and Africa Traditional Religions, which are deeply rooted in most of Africa due to the peoples’ extreme poverty and hopelessness.

Our team members at UBS are involved in teaching and administration. UBS offers more than 200 courses each year by the teaching faculty. At the same time, we are trying to navigate an increasingly technological world while working among some of the poorest people on earth. The demand for online and distance learning is high but not practical in a location where most do not have reliable electricity and internet access. Most students sacrifice greatly to attend the seminary and do not always have the means to do so. Your gift will provide much-needed scholarships for them to attend classes and also assist with maintaining the seminary property and buildings in this tropical climate.
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2025 Uganda Theological Education Team Goal

$700 raised in 2025
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Team Projects

Support Specific Opportunities

Gifts toward specific efforts show us what you are excited about. Occasionally, we may redeploy gifts as we follow God's leading with urgent opportunities or changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the goal go toward a similar project or our team support.

Coursework and Theological Resources

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Students in East Africa lack the resources to purchase basic study materials. We try to give as many materials to them as possible in their classes, but printing is not cheap. Your gift will print theological resources and coursework for the students to take home with them to continue their learning and help them as they lead in their churches.

$0 raised in 2025

Student Scholarships

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Most East Africans live a hand-to-mouth existence in some of the most impoverished countries on earth. Our students raise their own funds through friends and family to attend seminary, a significant struggle for many since they also work full-time and have no savings. Your gift will generously scholarship 100 students to continue their theological education, impacting Christianity across Africa for generations.

$0 raised in 2025
Team Updates

Uganda Theological Education Team Updates

Goal Amount

The goal represents the cost of our team’s ministry activities for this calendar year. The Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO) fully fund our living expenses. The goal amount resets every January 1st. All gifts completed through this form are directed to our team’s ministry strategy.

100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.

Team Efforts

Giving to one of our specific team efforts allows us to know what you are excited to see God complete within our ministry. Occasionally, we may need to redeploy gifts within our team strategy as urgent opportunities arise, as we do our best to follow God's leading, or adjust to changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the posted goal go toward a similar project or our team support.

100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.

Team Support

Our living expenses are fully provided by generous churches and individuals participating in the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO). These gifts enable us to remain on mission without interruption. Your support is a partnership with these churches, providing for us and our colleagues through LMCO. Our team receives recognition when partners give below to make our presence here possible.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU.

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