
Apart from the influence of Luke 4:16–21, Stacey would never have become a nurse. It was in her third grade Sunday school class that she first read Jesus of Nazareth’s announcement, “He has sent me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind,” and she immediately knew that was exactly what she wanted to do. She became well known in her hospital for her gentle spirit and quiet determination to provide patients with whatever they needed, be it glucose or a good laugh. She’d always seen her patients as her mission field, so when the opportunity arose to take her work overseas, it just seemed like the natural next step. Jesus came to bring healing to the body and soul, Stacey she took the language courses she needed and boarded a plane to go do the same.

Now, the battered but plucky van that serves as her mobile clinic is a welcome and familiar sight among the rural villages she serves. Families in her city regularly arrive at the hospital asking for “the tall American nurse,” and she is able to make house calls throughout the community on her sturdy mountain bike. Wherever she goes, lives are saved for now and eternity.

The Mission

We partner with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.

The Vision

Our vision is a multitude from every language, people, tribe, and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Method

Limitless. That’s a word we’ve used recently at the IMB to describe our vision for partnering with Southern Baptist churches and other Great Commission Christians. We want to vastly expand our missions efforts for the spread of the gospel to every people group on the planet.


Medical education, training, and experience
Cool scrubs, reflex hammer, stethoscope, probably Band-Aids
A home church ready to train and send you out
Passion for a new culture and language
Eagerness to share the gospel with those who’ve never heard