Outgoing trustee officers, Lisa Lovell, first vice chair, and Chuck Pourciau, chairman from Louisiana, completed their terms of service on IMB’s board of trustees. Ten trustees were recognized for their completed terms. IMB Photo
Outgoing trustee officers, Lisa Lovell, first vice chair, and Chuck Pourciau, chairman from Louisiana, completed their terms of service on IMB’s board of trustees. Ten trustees were recognized for their completed terms. IMB Photo
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more
IMB President-Emeritus Jerry Rankin jokingly asked for a vest that matched the one Paul Chitwood and Chuck Pourciau were wearing. Chitwood immediately presented him with a vest they intended to give him later. Rankin served the IMB for 40 years, 17 years as president. IMB Photo
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more