David Brady and Not Forgotten: Inspiring Missionary Pioneers

In this episode of the Missions History Podcast, hosts David Brady and Scott Peterson discuss David’s newly-released book, Not Forgotten: Inspiring Missionary Pioneers. The book tells the stories of eighteen missionaries spanning a couple of centuries and many, many continents.

Show Notes

Eric Nelson on the Buffalo preparing for a 1,500-mile missionary journey up the Amazon.

Matthew and Eliza Yates and daughter Annie James Yates.

1943, South China. Fifteen of the eighteen buildings already occupied with a nineteenth under construction in 1934 on Tai Kam Island. Dr. John Lake promoted work at the island.

John and Carrie Lake boarding a Sampan.

1940s China. Lepers warmly welcome Rev. and Mrs. John Lake and Miss Virginia to Tai Kam Island Leper colony.


Not Forgotten: Inspiring Missionary Pioneers by David J. Brady (https://www.amazon.com/Not-Forgotten-Inspiring-Missionary-Pioneers/dp/1545642060/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1537382238&sr=1-4&dpID=51s3dKS3LEL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch)

“The Faith-Filled Missionary Journey of John Day” by Jim Berwick (https://www.imb.org/2018/02/28/missionary-journey-john-day/)

The Story of Yates the Missionary, as Told in His Letters and Reminiscences prepared by Charles E. Taylor (https://archive.org/details/storyofyatesmiss00tayl)

At the Gates: Life Story of Matthew Tyson and Eliza Moring Yates of China by Catharine Ferrebee Bryan


A Wandering Jew in Brazil: The Autobiography of Solomon Ginsburg by Solomon Ginsburg

The Apostle of the Amazon by Lewis Malen Bratcher

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