Wednesday, September 18 2024
European Peoples
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

(tuh-RAHN-toh) - Please pray for a small church that is very missions-minded and are reaching out to the Central Asian community around them. Colleagues who attend the church are providing training in reaching out to Muslims.

Wednesday, September 18 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Africans on Mission (AoM) reports: "Despite tremendous growth, the Church in Africa still lacks the influence and impact one would expect it to have. Poverty and hunger are still rampant, especially in the Sub-Saharan area, where children are malnourished and deprived. Because the cornerstone of Christianity is love, one would expect that the growth of the Church would affect the socio-economic state of Africa. Sadly, the current statistics show otherwise. Amid numerical growth, the African Church still faces major challenges, including but not limited to persecution by some governments and extremist groups, the lack of 'African identity,' and low enthusiasm to participate in political leadership and community development." Pray for a revival among the southern African churches so that they will no longer be lukewarm (Revelation 3:15), but instead renew the love they had at first and the good works they once did (Revelation 2:4-5).
Wednesday, September 18 2024
South Asian Peoples
South Asians in Africa

Give thanks to God for a worker and his family who will be moving to South Africa! Please pray for all the logistics related to this move, and ask that they will adjust well to the new place. More importantly, please pray for many "divine appointments" for this worker and his family and for them to meet many "people of peace" (Luke 10:6) in their community.

Wednesday, September 18 2024
South Asian Peoples
People of the Lower Plains of Karnataka, India

(car-NAH-tuh-kuh) - This past year, nurses have been able to conduct basic health checkups in local government housing as a means of entry, with the goal of sharing their testimony and the gospel. As they are checking blood sugar and blood pressure, they talk with the women and show them love by listening to their stories and hardships and giving them health tips. From these times, relationships have been established with a few believers in this housing area, and opportunities have arisen in a couple of homes where the women are open to hearing more Bible stories. This area can be hard to do ministry in, and it's a place where it's difficult for believers to live. Please pray for continued open doors for follow-up visits where Bible stories and the gospel can be shared. Ask for those who are open to the gospel to repent of their sins and turn and confess Christ as their Lord. Pray also for the believers there to grow in their faith and to be bold in sharing with their neighbors how Christ has changed their life. "And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house" (Acts 16:32 ESV).

Wednesday, September 18 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Pashtuns of the Arabian Gulf

(POSH-toons) - A young woman dealing with health problems was grappling with anxiety and the worries of life. One day, Fatima met a believer and relayed a list of things she could do and accomplish in life if only her brain wasn't clouded by anxiety. This was her decided solution; however, the believer wisely pointed out that sometimes in life, we can accomplish all that we want and still be left wanting--unsatisfied. Fatima replied: "You're right! If only I could find something that I could place all my hope into!" Pray that local believers will be faithful to share with Fatima, and other women like her, about the One in whom she can place all her hope.
Wednesday, September 18 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
North Africa/Middle East Refugees in the Diaspora

An older man, Ibtisaam, had never imagined leaving his home country. He faced great persecution from his family and others when he came to faith years ago, eventually resulting in him fleeing to Europe. Along the way to what would become his permanent destination, he found great community among believers in several different cities, but he still aches deeply for the relationships he lost. As he continues to grow in his faith, Ibtisaam finds many nonbelievers around him seeking to quench the joy they see inside of him. Frustrated at continually being taken advantage of in his current living situation, he is looking for a new apartment with an honest landlord and more peaceful neighbors. Pray that Ibtisaam can be a light to those who don't understand the source of his joy and peace. Pray that other members of Ibtisaam's family back home will come to know the saving grace freely offered to them, and ask that he will be able to experience the restoration of those relationships again.

Wednesday, September 18 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Muslims of China

The Huihui were Muslim when they arrived on Hainan Island about 400 years ago. They have never wavered from their beliefs. Most Hui who visit the city of Sanya are impressed with how devoted the Huihui are to the practices of Islam. Over the years, Muslim teachers have traveled from Malaysia to teach the Huihui the tenets of Islam and how to read Arabic. Ask Jesus to appear in dreams and visions to the HuiHui. Ask that HuiHui students would hear the gospel from teachers and friends. Ask that the HuiHui will open their hearts to the gospel of Christ and know the blessings of God over the next centuries.
Wednesday, September 18 2024
American Peoples
Map People of Northern Brazil

"The purpose of our job as workers is to disciple, equip, and empower believers and to support healthy church formation. We are so blessed to have believers to pour into and who are stepping up to leadership and ministry roles in the local church! Please pray for them, as they have been filling leadership positions within the church as we step away. They are preaching, teaching, sharing, and going to another Map People's reservation with the gospel."

Wednesday, September 18 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Jula of Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Mali

(JOO-luh) - "Even now--this is the LORD's declaration--turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Tear your hearts, not just your clothes, and return to the LORD your God. For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love, and he relents from sending disaster. Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave a blessing behind him, so you can offer a grain offering and a drink offering to the LORD your God" (Joel 2:12-14 CSB). Many Jula reside in war-torn areas. Their movement around these countries is more limited than ever before. And yet the Word of God is not limited, but it is living and active. Pray for believers who live in and near Jula communities to have the boldness and faith to share the freedom that only the gospel can bring. Pray that true repentance will be found in the Jula that will bear lasting fruit--not just something that they display outwardly, but also what is done internally, in the deep recesses of their hearts.
Wednesday, September 18 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Fukuoka, Japan

(foo-koo-OH-kah) - Ministry on campus at Seinan Jo Gakuin Jr. High and High School continues. September is scheduled with Bible Cafe ministry as well as a day of open school to the public with practicing English conversations on September 21. Pray for this Christian school for girls, started by Southern Baptist Missionaries 102 years ago, to receive favor in the eyes of the community. Pray that more and more parents and students in the community, non-Christians and Christians, would want to join this school and be a part in the upcoming semester. Pray that God will continue to bring to these Bible Café sessions the students whose hearts He has prepared to receive the gospel. Pray for faith, strength, and joy for the Japanese Christian leaders of the school to work to glorify God and to see fruit that will last.
Wednesday, September 18 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Pray for the 1-2-3 Leadership Program growing across Asia with young people committing to learning theological education, receiving Christian mentoring, and looking to future Christian service. Ask the Lord to use the two-year program to help students grow in not only head knowledge, but also a heart knowledge so that they will love Him more and more.