Saturday, August 31 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Turks of Istanbul, Turkey

(is-tan-BULL) - Please pray for Lilly, who lives alone in bustling downtown Istanbul. Like many young adults in this megacity, she struggles with deep loneliness and dissatisfaction with her life and work. Recently, Lilly connected with Christians for the first time, and she has been discussing spiritual topics with them. Although not very religious, she agreed to read the Bible, and they read John 3 together. Lilly is grappling with the idea that Jesus died on the cross and rose again for her salvation, a concept very different from what she has known. She is intrigued by Jesus' life and ministry but feels like she needs to do more research. Please pray that she will continue to be interested in reading the Bible alongside the believers. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to Lilly, and pray that she will experience His love and care amid her feelings of hopelessness and loneliness.
Saturday, August 31 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Theological Education in Malawi

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33 ESV). The Malawi Team writes: "Please join with us in praying for theological educators and students who are deeply and desperately seeking the kingdom of God first in their lives and ministries. Even--and especially--when they're seeking further education and learning, ask that they will desire more than head knowledge, a certificate, or a degree. Pray that they will desire righteousness and God's kingdom and trust Him to provide for their daily needs."
Saturday, August 31 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Students & Young Professionals, Seoul, South Korea

In June, a team of university students and young adults came from California to Seoul to join Sinchon Tree Church and Sogang Tree Church in the work of sharing the gospel. One highlight event of their trip was hosting an overnight English camp at a retreat center outside Seoul. Volunteer team members, members of both Sinchon and Sogang Tree Churches, IMB missionaries, and friends who were either non-believers or unchurched believers attended the event. God used this special time to provide many opportunities for the gospel to be shared, His love to be shown, and new relationships to be built. Please pray that nonbelievers who attended the event will continue thinking through the truth of the gospel, that missionaries will have wisdom in following up with the attendees, and that the two churches will continue to grow.
Saturday, August 31 2024
American Peoples
Peoples of the Southwest Amazon Basin

Some believers who live in a city are becoming aware that there is a strong need to be more present upriver. The people from that region often come to the city for various reasons, and the believers want to share the gospel with them. However, building relationships with those people and gaining access to their worldview needs to happen in their own context. The believers need to learn their language, understand their religions, and disciple from a close, consistent range. Please pray for these believers to find dedicated time and an effective strategy to engage these precious people where they live. May God plant a church among them!

Saturday, August 31 2024
South Asian Peoples
Peoples of the Bundelkhand Region of India

(BUHN-duhl-kand) - Pray that the people who live in the Bundelkhand region will respond in faith as they hear the good news. Ask that they will be convicted and turn from their idols to the One who is "the true God and eternal life" (1 John 5:20-21 ESV).

Saturday, August 31 2024
European Peoples
Norwegians of Norway

A family of IMB representatives in Oslo has three young daughters returning to local Norwegian school in August after a summer away. Please pray that they will not fall behind in language and will re-integrate well into their education, routines, and rhythms as the next school year gets going.

Saturday, August 31 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
North Africans/Mid Easterners, Pastel City, France

Nuhuz, a PhD student from North Africa, met a group of believers during a Christmas outreach. As the group leader shared the gospel with him, Nuhuz listened politely and was clearly fascinated with the explanation about the meaning of Christmas. Recognizing that Nuhuz was "clearly an intellectual guy," the leader exchanged contact information with him, began exchanging emails, and has now started meeting regularly with Nuhuz for coffee. While developing an ongoing friendship, the two have talked about many important topics such as the reliability of biblical documents, the importance of the good news that Jesus provides, and even the differences between Islam and Christianity. Please pray that these meetings will continue to be stimulating to satisfy Nuhuz's intellectual curiosity and that he will develop a real spiritual hunger. Pray that he will begin reading the Bible for himself so that God "might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:7 ESV).

Saturday, August 31 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Frontline Mission Network, East Asian Peoples

From the very beginning, the aim in establishing a church is to advance the kingdom of Christ within and beyond that specific people group. The concept of the Grain Silo in the Four Fields methodology encapsulates this vision. Just as we are grafted into the vine of Jesus for our spiritual growth, the ultimate goal is to witness an everlasting harvest of fruit among others. This aligns with the Great Commission, a responsibility now carried by these burgeoning churches—to go and make disciples of all peoples. This stage of the Four Fields process seeks to transition into partnership with the growing church. We don't forsake the growth of indigenous churches, but we aspire to offer support in ways directed by their own church leadership. Witnessing indigenous churches reach this stage is truly joyful. Tribes like the Lisu and the Konyak have formed church networks and are now sending out their missionaries to other tribes. Please join us in prayer for the continual growth of God's kingdom among these people groups. #Fourfields
Saturday, August 31 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Asian Pacific Rim Unengaged Peoples

"At that time you were without Christ, excluded from the citizenship of Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12 CSB).The Lupanshui Miao people of China are predominately hardworking farmers who worship spirits. They live in places that are difficult to reach and remain in physical isolation and spiritual darkness. Many young people flock to cities in search of work and a better life. There they are influenced by Chinese and communist culture, and many Lupanshui Miao youth abandon the beliefs of their parents and turn to atheism. They live without God or hope and desperately need the gospel to set them free from the bondage of sin. God, above the city noise, we pray they will hear you calling to them and will seek you.
Saturday, August 31 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

(ab-i-JAHN) - Pray that leaders whom the Lord is raising up from the harvest will be given hearts full of empathy. May they not fall into the trap of comparison, but first and foremost find their self-worth in Christ. Ask that they will abide in Christ and be filled with Him, and pray that through the overflowing of the Spirit, they will truly "rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep" (Romans 12:15 ESV).