Wednesday, July 3 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Tonga of Zambia

(TONG-uh) - "An 8-year-old girl has had hepatitis for a couple of months with no sign of improvement," writes the Lower Zambezi Valley Team. "Her mother is a growing believer who is a leader in the community. Her father has professed faith but shows no signs of transformation. Please pray with us for her healing and for all to see that it is from the hand of the Lord. Ask that her father will truly turn to the Lord."
Wednesday, July 3 2024
European Peoples
Summer Olympics 2024

The city of Paris has been feverishly working to prepare the city for the Olympic games. It is their hope that the improvements they have made to the city will stimulate an ongoing local impact. It is also the hope of IMB missionaries that the Olympic games will have an ongoing impact on the Christian community. Join us in praying that the evangelistic efforts during the games will produce biblically faithful, reproducing churches who send to the nations from every borough, town, and village.
Wednesday, July 3 2024
South Asian Peoples
South Asian Peoples

"In June, you were asked to pray for a new local aquafarming company in 'Zarb Village.' Praise God with us that the aquafarming business is progressing well and Bulus is successfully taking on the leadership role! Please pray as we try again to get electricity out to the pond, and intercede for other logistics related to the business. Please pray also for another town. Our team has been gathering monthly to do outreach pushes there, and we have seen some good responses with follow-up efforts. Following up with unbelievers can get tricky with logistics and the lack of interest at times. Please pray as our brother Aaron follows up with people from these outreach times, asking that they will have humble hearts to repent and believe the good news."

Wednesday, July 3 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Shia of Iraq and Beyond

(SHE-uh) - Graduations have been taking place around the globe the past couple of months. There are thousands of recent young graduates among the Iraqi Shia, many of whom desire to travel the world and leave traditional expectations behind. Even though there is a lot of cultural pressure to get the dream job of engineer or doctor, some do not really know what they want out of life. Their dreams don't fit into the traditional mold in which they've been raised. They want to learn English and travel, and they are less conservative than their parents and more open, in general, to the outside world. Pray for these new graduates to seek and find God and to find their beginning in Him, the one who created them and loves them no matter what. Ask for them to find their purpose and meaning in Christ alone. Pray that young Iraqi Shia professionals will have jobs where a believer is present and have opportunities to hear the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for new believers to be a light in their workplace and to be bold in sharing with their family, neighbors, co-workers, and friends.

Wednesday, July 3 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Sereer of Senegal and The Gambia

(suh-RARE) - Some workers are being trained in how to share the gospel digitally throughout Senegal. They write: "We are creating an evangelistic website in many of the languages of Senegal and will be sending out social media ads throughout the country. Pray for wisdom as we complete the digital engagement training and begin using the internet as a tool to reach more people for Christ. Ask the Lord to provide all that is needed to run evangelistic ads on social media. Pray for local believers to respond lovingly online to those who connect and want to know more. Pray for a movement across this country of spiritual darkness."
Wednesday, July 3 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Persians of the South Caucasus

(CAW-kuh-suhs) - As summer vacation begins, churches are preparing to welcome children to summer camps across the region. For some children, this summer may offer their first encounter with truth. Additionally, churches are able to build relationships with parents and other community members through these activities; those relationships tend to build Bible studies and develop community. Please ask the Lord to provide all the resources that are needed. Pray for energy for the ministers working hard to prepare and facilitate these camps, and pray for soft hearts in the attendees and their families as the gospel is presented to them this summer.
Wednesday, July 3 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
People of Southern Taiwan

In July teenagers will be gathering from many churches to attend a Baptist Youth Camp (BYC). Please join us in praying for all those who will attend. May the lives of these young people be forever changed as they have the opportunity to hear that God has a plan and purpose for their lives. We pray that many will come to put their faith in Jesus. We ask that believers come away with a renewed commitment to put the Lord first in their lives. May they have a hunger to know more, to share with others, and a desire to serve the Lord however He leads.
Wednesday, July 3 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Mountain People of the Horn of Africa

Praise the Lord that over a year ago, a low-level government official who'd had exposure to many different believers finally became a believer himself! Recently, he and a couple of other believers were able to visit his extended family and some friends and share the good news with them. At least seven people came to faith, and they're excited about meeting together and learning more about spiritual things. As one older man was talking about all the hardships that had happened in his life, referring to the gospel, he said, "I am so thankful that I didn't die before I heard this story!" Please pray that this new group of believers will be faithful to meet regularly for prayer, Bible study, and fellowship, and ask that they will grow strong in their relationship with the Father through the Son. Pray for protection from persecution and from region-wide political violence. Pray that the cares of this world will not distract them from being the body to each other. Pray that as their group grows deeper, it will also grow wider as more of their friends and family see their love for one another and hear and respond to the good news.

Wednesday, July 3 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Melting Cities, East Asia

In July, a short-term mission team from the United States will visit one of the Melting Cities to host a Vacation Bible School (VBS) at an orphanage. The team is comprised of college students and youth. As they prepare through prayer and dedicate their time and passion to God, please pray that they will keep growing into stronger believers. Also, pray that the VBS at the orphanage will run smoothly and that the children will feel God's presence and know His love for them. Despite not having experienced parental love, pray that these children will come to know God as their Father during this precious time.
Wednesday, July 3 2024
South Asian Peoples

Please pray for Aabharan, who has been trained in how to disciple new believers. In July, he will be given a list of 28 believers from about six different unengaged, unreached people groups who have been identified. He will continue discipling them, pouring into them, and encouraging them to take what they know and learn about Jesus Christ to others in their people groups. Pray for this process to go smoothly and for Aabharan to have discernment and wisdom as he and several other South Asian leaders press into the darkness in a coastal state of South India.

Wednesday, July 3 2024
Deaf Peoples
Deaf Peoples

As Deaf students return to their hometowns or villages around the world during a school break, they often face isolation and persecution. While they are studying at a Deaf school or university, they are surrounded by others who are Deaf and can communicate with them through their heart language: sign language. Often in their homes and towns or villages, no family members or others in the community have learned sign language. How isolated they must feel during this time! Deaf are also persecuted, often for just being Deaf. Pray for Deaf students who are facing isolation and persecution during these breaks from their schools. Ask the Father to draw them closer to Him. Pray for workers to join in the task of reaching the Deaf for Christ.

Wednesday, July 3 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
City of Walls, East Asia

Pray for those who may be finding it more difficult to meet and worship together within the walls. Pray that they will hold fast to their faith and trust the Lord to guide them in difficult times.