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Mebo of Laos

(MEE-boh) – For the past 10 years, you have been asked to pray every December for the Christmas celebrations that Mebo Christians host. Often Christmas is the first time the Mebo will hear the good news in a church-type setting. This is the one time of year that the Mebo face less scrutiny from authorities, although at these Christmas celebrations, the local authorities make lists to keep track of who attends. Please continue to pray for the Mebo to have opportunity to share the true meaning of Christmas with those who are hearing for the first time. As this year marks a 10-year celebration of praying for this people group, please give God the glory for the great things He has done among the Mebo; there are more Christians and house churches than ever known before! Finally, continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest for more laborers among the Mebo (Matthew 9:37-38).