After a chilly spring, the weather in a large European city turned beautiful! The sun was shining, and Fran went to a North African outdoor market to purchase fruits and vegetables. When she arrived, she was happily surprised to see some women offering beautiful henna designs and conversation. The North African women who stopped were delighted and shocked that anyone would care to come to their neighborhood in such a way. While there were many topics discussed, there were also conversations about how to know God through an understanding and acceptance of Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. Fran was so surprised and blessed by it all that she wanted to give back. She insisted on meeting again a couple of days later, when she would bring some special homemade bread–a recipe from her North African country. She got up early that morning to cook and was very happy that the good news was beautifully shared in her heart language. Pray that Fran will have a profound personal revelation of the truth of the gospel and choose to follow the Savior.