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Research is an important part of the work of missions. Understanding the peoples and places among which we are working is key to doing so effectively, and the International Mission Board has a long history of engaging in various types of research and creating useful tools for engaging the nations with the gospel. Through the links below you can find specific parts of that research by way of maps, research reports, and our historical archives.

Research is an important part of the work of missions.


These maps help us see the world clearly by presenting a clear picture of the status of world evangelization and the location of unreached peoples. This understanding is critical for good, strategic decision-making as we steward the resources God has entrusted to us.

Accurate reporting is one of the ways the IMB seeks to be accountable to churches and individuals who support IMB. The reports produced by our Research Team also have strategic value as we prepare to engage and reach peoples and places with the gospel.

Archives and Records

The mission of the archives and records service is to identify, organize, and preserve information that details the Southern Baptist international missions experience going back through the start of the International Mission Board in 1845. Such a vast missions experience should be remembered and celebrated.