Until the gospel has reached every people, in every place, and every language—we have work to do. This is the Great Pursuit.
Until the gospel has reached every people, in every place, and every language—we have work to do. This is the Great Pursuit.
From the Great Commission in Matthew 28, until the Great Multitude in Revelation 7, God invites us to join Him in His mission.
Your IMB missionaries are sent by local churches–and their journeys begin as they are discipled within those fellowships. With our collective support, they take the gospel to the unreached.
Gospel Access
Gospel Access
Gospel Access
Gospel Access
Gospel Access
Gospel Access
Missionaries find unique ways to meet new people and “enter” their communities. Sometimes missionaries start businesses, organize language-exchange groups, or provide healthcare services. They learn the local language and culture and focus on leading others to Christ.
No matter where missionaries go or what they do, they’re always looking for opportunities to share the gospel with the people around them.
Gospel Belief
Gospel Belief
Gospel Belief
Gospel Belief
Gospel Belief
Gospel Belief
Missionaries rely on your prayers and the work of the Holy Spirit. They rejoice when someone chooses to put their faith in Jesus. Missionaries spend a lot of their time teaching biblical concepts to new or maturing believers. Often, missionaries meet with individuals or small groups in coffee shops, parks, villages, or in their homes to study the Bible and worship together.
As disciples mature, churches begin to form.
Gospel Multiplication
Gospel Multiplication
Gospel Multiplication
Gospel Multiplication
Gospel Multiplication
Gospel Multiplication
Many missionaries are skilled teachers and leadership coaches who develop and train local believers to lead healthy churches in their communities. Through the local church, maturing disciples are equipped to carry the gospel to their own people groups and beyond.
When churches are established and strengthened, missionaries continue their support of the churches while shifting their primary focus to other areas where Jesus is not known to new peoples and places with little gospel access or understanding.
Learn how we strategically approach our work through the Core Missionary Task.
Learn more about our impact around the world and download our latest Annual Statistical Report.
Missionaries living in community among those who have never heard the good news is the best way to share the gospel. Your fervent prayers and generous gifts make missionary presence possible.