Join Us in Prayer for Muslims During Ramadan 2025 Sign Up to Pray



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Join Us in Prayer for Muslims During Ramadan 2025

Be part of a collective effort to pray for Muslims around the world, that they may come to know Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life.

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Mosque filled with people praying
Thursday, March 6 2025
Central Asian Peoples

Turks of Istanbul, Turkey

(is-tan-BULL) - In one district of Istanbul that's known for its secular and diverse atmosphere, the observance of the Islamic month of Ramadan may not be as widespread or visible as in other, more conservative areas of the city. Over the past several years, many Turks have become less and less devoted to Islam and are now only nominal Muslims, especially university students and young adults. During Ramadan, many will not fast at all, and if they do, it's only for a few days at the beginning and end. Many people are open to having more conversations about religion and spirituality this month, giving Christians many opportunities to share the gospel. Pray for hearts to be softened and for people to be interested in learning more about Christianity. Pray for those who live in that district to be people who believe and find eternal life through Jesus.

Thursday, March 6 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Theological Education in Malawi

"Last month, a new family with four young children was appointed to serve with the International Mission Board in Malawi, working with us in leadership development," writes the Malawi Team. "Please lift up this family as they begin transitioning to the field over the next several months. Pray for their packing, training, and goodbyes in the United States. Ask that their residency visa will get approved in Malawi as soon as possible. And please pray that they will transition well over the next year."

Thursday, March 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Thai-Khorat of Thailand

(tie-koh-RAHT) - "Sam told us he had been secretly listening to us. We went to Yep and his niece's house to share the gospel many times. They always welcomed us. We would set up chairs in the middle of the dirt road to sing praise songs, study the Bible and pray. This was the most convenient place to meet together. Eventually, Yep became a believer in Jesus. Yep's niece also believed but passed away. About a year later, Yep moved to another house. Their neighbor, Sam, had been secretly listening to our meetings inside his house. When Yep moved, he took away his calendar with the picture of Jesus on it that had been hanging outside his house. Sam felt that God had left. So Sam went to church to look for Jesus. Praise God! Sam has been coming to church on Sundays and spending time with the believers during the week. Pray for Sam to make a decision to follow Jesus."

Thursday, March 6 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

People of Southwest Rwanda

Evangelism came to Rwanda 125 years ago this month. It came with the White Fathers, a Catholic group. Protestants followed 100 years ago. Yet there is still such a long way to go. Pray for pastors to be men of God who love and teach the Bible. Pray for Rwandans to have a hunger and thirst for the gospel. Believers in the southwest are growing in number and need discipleship. Pray for two leaders, Carl and Obed, to receive more training and teaching materials.

Thursday, March 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Northern Plateau Peoples of Southeast Asia

Please pray for workers who are engaging the lost with digital strategies across the Northern Plateau. Even in the most remote villages, many people have cell phones and internet access. Please pray that people who are unlikely to hear the gospel through personal face-to-face interaction with believers will be drawn to social media pages and channels that are sharing the gospel in local languages. Ask the Lord to draw many to respond with digital inquiries after hearing the gospel. Pray they will come to faith and be discipled.

Thursday, March 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Mongolian Peoples of Outer Mongolia and Russia

(mon-GOHL-yun) - Believers in Mongolia have opportunities to share the gospel during three holidays this month: Lunar New Year, which Mongolians celebrate on March 1-3, International Women's Day on March 8, and Men's and Soldiers' Day on March 18. Typically, the latter two holidays are celebrated together on March 8. Ask God to give wisdom to Christians as they plan an outreach in one of the eastern counties that is without a church. Ask God to show a Christian Mongolian couple His plan as they desire to host a dinner on March 8 for their coworkers to celebrate these holidays. Ask God to give all Mongolian Christians creative and thoughtful ideas of how to use these holidays to honor Him.

Thursday, March 6 2025
Global Initiatives

Missionary Explorers, Project 3000

"We met people from the group we had been searching for! We learned their population is much higher than our records show and we got names of other villages they live in! We talked with a few people near their temple. A watchman saw us praying and prohibited us from entering. But many came outside to meet and speak to us! We even got their president's phone number, and he's willing to send us documents on their culture and history, as well as meet with us soon! We got contact information of one man who we shared half the gospel with before being interrupted by the main priests of this Hindu temple. They teach their people to bathe in certain ways for their sins to be forgiven. Every day, the men worship for seven hours. As we were led away from the temple, another young man ran up to speak his limited English and shake my hand. I quickly asked for his WhatsApp number and then had to leave. I messaged him, and he invited us to a celebration in his community! He wants to introduce us to his friends and family, who are all from this people group! Please be praying for this interaction, for close meaningful relationships to form, and for opportunities to share the gospel! As of now there are no known Christians among this group. But, we can have confidence that there will be!"

Thursday, March 6 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Israeli Jews of Israel

It is a very complicated time for Israeli Jews. Alma, a young woman whose loved one was taken captive on October 7, 2023, shared with a believer whom she sees regularly, saying that she doubts God exists. Alma said that she once thought she believed in God, but now she can't understand how the God she knew would allow such a horrible situation. The believer had previously had talks with her about Yeshua (Jesus) and how He cares. Those words did not fall on deaf ears, and Alma wanted more contact with the believer. Situations like this are happening all over the country, as Israeli Jews are stuck between joy at the release of some and sorrow at the death and uncertainty of others. Please pray for all of Israel during these days. Pray that Israeli Jews will turn to believers, as many are, for answers to their spiritual seeking and put their faith in Yeshua (Jesus).

Thursday, March 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Hakka People of East Asia

(HAHK-uh) - During the recent Lunar New Year, a discussion arose among Hakka Christians on social media. They discussed traditions, customs, and what was acceptable for Christians to do. A variety of opinions were offered from different people. Many Christians in East Asia try to balance cultural and family traditions such as temple and ancestor worship, burning incense and money to the spirits, offering sacrifices to gods, spirits and ancestors, with God's Word, and this leads to confusion over biblical truth. God is very clear about worship and idolatry. Ask God to speak truth into their hearts, leading them to look to Christ alone, setting aside generations of some traditions. Pray that they will turn to Him above all, bring Christ honor and glory and bring His light into their families and communities.

Thursday, March 6 2025
Global Initiatives

Global Health Strategies Network

"Community health ministries reach a large number of people every year, teaching them hygiene practices, dental health, disease prevention, and general healthy living. We have a need for a coordinator for community health ministry in the Asia-Pacific Rim. Pray for the Lord's prepared person to take this role and extend this ministry throughout the city and into the rural areas."

Thursday, March 6 2025
South Asian Peoples

Bangalore Hospital, Karnataka State, India

(BANG-ah-lohr) - The governing board of Bangalore Baptist Hospital will conduct its semiannual meeting in March. At this meeting, the budget for the coming year will be presented as well as matters related to property and building development. Pray for each board member and the hospital leadership team to have good communication and discussions, resulting in Spirit-led decisions.

Thursday, March 6 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Atheists, Agnostics, Artists; N. Africa & Mid East

A little over one year ago, you were asked to pray for Nabil, an artist in the city who had requested a Bible. He had also asked to be baptized, even though he still doesn't fully understand the true purpose and meaning of baptism. Nabil recently sent the following message to his believing friend: "I want to repent and give myself to the Lord Jesus." "I want to start today," he continued. "Please, I need someone to believe in me." Please pray that God will stir the heart of Nabil, an addict, to desire Him above all else. Pray that Nabil will understand the true meaning of salvation and baptism and that he will truly follow the Lord Jesus in lasting and multiplying faith.

Pray for Requests Worldwide